changing the way you invest


Selling, Buying & Managing your Notes

What can we help you do!? We can solve your problems!


Problems RE Investors Face

Being a Real Estate Investor has long been a “cool” thing to do, and has been sold by many as a very profitable and “sexy” line of work or investment area. There are so many areas of real estate investing that one can focus on like, Commercial, Residential, and Multifamily, and each one of them can be extremely profitable if done correctly. With so many upsides to Real Estate investing the old fashioned way what could be problematic about doing it that way?

The problems with all of the different types of RE investments are all the same….it’s the ongoing maintenance. If you have an apartment complex or multiple units you have to deal with renters who have toilet issues or other small problems. If you deal with commercial you have to deal with your tenets and the issues that come along with thatl. If you work with residential RE and say you do not rent, but sell you have to deal with buyers and agents. It may not seem like a big deal but after years of constantly dealing with these “small” issues they build up and become a major hassle; a factor in why many investors look to exit the industry.

The solution is simple

There is a solution to the old fashioned way of investing in RE and the beauty of it is that it does not require you to leave the industry. We understand that RE is valuable, and will always be valuable. The solution is to invest your money into notes.

Notes are something that most people are not aware of about investing in because it is not mainstream and the barrier to entry up until this point has been extremely high.

We are here to help you continue to earn monthly income as if you were renting a residential, multifamily, or commercial property, but without all the hassles of actually being in the middle and directly renting to those people. We can help you make secured and solid income every single month without you having to ever even visit the property or ever having to physically be in the same location or state as the property.

Let us help you streamline your investments & make your life better.

Not looking to invest & want cash?

We understand that not everyone is looking to invest at this point in their life, which is completely fine. You may be one of the people that have had their investments work for them for years and you are looking to get out and free up your cash or whatever life has thrown your way..

If you have sold your residential or commercial property and you or your client owner-financed the mortgage and you wish to sell a mortgage note, Hammelmyer Investment Group can offer a sound and painless exit strategy if you’re wanting a large sum payout. When it comes to selling a mortgage note on residential or commercial real estate, the chances of successfully reaching your financial goals and securing the highest payout become greatly increased when using the right direct mortgage note buyers and/or mortgage note funding source.

We pride ourselves on the absolute fastest turnaround to receiving cash for your mortgage note and the most aggressive offers on your assets so that you can maximize your cash.

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Let us do this together

We can help you get more involved in the management of your assets by helping you learn the ins and outs, and with the option of us actually managing your portfolio for you.


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Let us do it all for you

We can assist you with your asset management, cover all the bases for you and handle everything from locating assets for your portfolio, making the transaction, and managing your portfolio. Don’t let any excuse get in the way of your assets working for you and the growth of your financial security.


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Learn and do it all yourself

We understand working with a firm to help manage your money or letting a firm manage your money entirely could be a difficult decision. We can educate you on the process to manage your assets yourself if that is what you wish.